See how Students Protecting Education is working to organize students in the Lowcountry, South Carolina.

Above, see members of the Waylyn Heart Team of Charleston, South Carolina, passing out Students Protecting Education fliers to recruit student volunteers.
The Start of our First National Chapter
In late February, SPE was contacted by William Hamilton, head of the Lowcountry Up is Good, PAC. Mr. Hamilton stressed the importance of getting student input and voices out in Charleston, as many members of the Moms for Liberty have taken seats in districts around the area. In November, the Berkeley County School District elected 6 board members of M4L, and within 2 hours of being sworn in, these 6 trustees voted to fire the black superintendent, to ban Critical Race Theory, and to set up a committee to review all books in the library.
This concerned the pro-education community in Charleston, which prompted Lowcountry Up is Good, PAC to contact us in need of students. Over the course of the last few weeks, SPE has been working vigorously with organizations in Charleston to establish a sound base of volunteers.
On March 4, 2023, Charleston officially became Students Protecting Education's first national chapter. With over 30 members, this is a huge step not just for Charleston but for SPE. Our organization has sent shirts and a banner down to Charleston in congratulations of their newly established chapter, with hopes of great achievement.
Protect Education Rally
Lowcountry Up is Good, PAC and Students Protecting Education have been working to host a rally to protect education, and to gather speakers and volunteers for the Charleston County School Board meeting. After planning, the rally is set to take place on Monday, March 13 at 4:15. There will be events like drumming, speakers from the state legislature, community leaders, and students.
At 5:00, Students Protecting Education volunteers will present Charleston County a chapter banner, as a symbol of their hard work and dedication to protecting education. Co-founder Luke Lippitt will make remarks at the event virtually, encouraging Charleston to keep fighting. Then, rally participants will join in for a moment of silence, and then head off to the school board meeting to give their inputs on the special interests being represented in newly drafted policies.
A Hopeful Future
Students Protecting Education is extremely hopeful for the future, after the quick & efficient organization of the Charleston Chapter. At the National Office, we are extremely excited to see what students in Charleston will be able to achieve with the aid of our organization. We would like to give a big thanks to Mr. Hamilton and Lowcountry Up is Good for making this possible.
The Charleston Chapter of SPE will meet regularly virtually to organize. The first chapter meeting will be on Wednesday, March 8 at 7pm EST. Attend the meeting here
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